Everyone needs one of these signs … sometimes
The great people at Kenspeckle Letterpress have put together a sign that speaks volumes – not just for their thought process, but for how closely aligned they are with what has become known as ‘the general mood’. Okay, so, as a sole trader who needs to make sales and generally be as nice and helpful as...
Mona Lisa Remix
Love this print of the Mona Lisa … pointillism of fine art! I feel a purchase for my new office coming on … Mona Lisa Remix
Bolefloor – more floor per forest
I found this company today: Bolefloor who make wooden floors … but instead of creating straight planks, they follow the natural grain of the wood and make wonderful curvy planks that look really special. check it out. via
It’s 2011. I want my flying car.
From the ever excellent XKCD.com If you’re reading this on FaceThingy and can’t see the picture – it’s here.
Re-framing the debate, iPhone vs. Android
This is a nice article about how Apple is changing the Android/iPhone debate away from an ‘open vs. closed’ framing, towards a ‘fragmented vs. integrated’ argument. It’s nicely illustrated in this quote from Jobs: We think the open versus closed argument is just a smokescreen to try and hide the real issue, which is, “What’s...
Divvy for OSX, and great HTML5 readiness chart
If you’ve ever spent about 15 minutes resizing and positioning windows in OSX so that you can get the optimal screen set up for the next several hours of your working day … then it’s time to automate it all with Divvy – this great little app for only $14 allows you to select a...