At David Horn Design, I’m committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of the visitors to this website. In particular, we want you to know that David Horn Design is not in the business of selling, renting or trading email lists with other companies and businesses for marketing purposes. I’m just not in to that sort of thing. But, to lay out exactly what we do do with your data, in this Privacy Policy I’ve provided lots of detailed information on when and why we collect personal information at all, how we use it, the limited conditions under which we may disclose it to others, and how we keep it secure. You’ll probably want a cup of herbal tea (other beverages are available – check the cupboard), before reading much further.

Types of data we collect

Website Cookies

Cookies are small text files that are added to your web browser (Chrome, Firefox, Explorer, Edge – etc. … the program you’re using to read this page is a web browser of some sort). They are used to tell that web browser a bunch of things. They might store information related to the pages you visit. Or the last time you logged on to the site. Things like that. We use cookies really sparingly – in fact we only use cookies for three functions. The first is for Plausible Analytics. When someone visits we use a third party service, Plausible Analytics, to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. We do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. We’re incredibly sensitive about who sees our data and what they do with it. For this reason, we don’t use Google Analytics (and only recommend it in some cases). Instead, we use Plausible which is a privacy focused analytics system. You can read more about it here: We really liked the sound of it – and knowing that our visitors data is not being shared and used to track you around the web, means we sleep better at night. The second type of cookie relates to pop up windows on this site. Now, we don’t use pop-up windows very often (it’s probable that you’ve got to this page without being interrupted by a pop up), but we do use them sometimes. When you see a pop-up window, you can close it whenever you like – and when you do, we set a cookie that says ‘y’know, they’ve seen this pop up once, don’t show it to them again for another couple of weeks at least’. So the cookie serves to not beat you over the head with promotions. Thirdly, and I hope you’re going to appreciate the irony of this … when you first visited this site, you see a banner at the bottom that says ‘we collect cookies’. When you click the ‘Okay’ button … that sets a cookie so that the banner doesn’t show again. And that’s it for cookies.


If you’re a client of mine, it’s likely that you’ve been given the opportunity to pay your invoice online – on this website. If you’ve done that, then we store your name & contact information for our own records. We do not store your credit card or PayPal information. Apart from the fact that it would be a massive legal headache for me to do so, it’s stupidly complicated too. So that information is stored by PayPal or Stripe (if you’ve paid by credit card). You can read PayPal’s privacy policy here, and Stripe’s privacy policy here. I bet you can’t wait.

Mailing Lists

If you complete the contact form on this site – or any form on the site, such as one that appears in a pop up – you’ll be prompted to say if you would like to be added to our mailing list. If you leave that box unticked, then you will not be added. If though you tick the box saying you would like to be added, then you will join our mailing list. I don’t use that mailing list very often. When I do it’s to tell people about training I’m running, to show off about a new project I think people might find interesting, or to shout about a great new thing I’ve invented (which has never happened, actually). I don’t rent or trade email lists with anyone. Not even if they ask really nicely. Our mailing list is held securely off-site by a company called Campaign Monitor. We gather statistics around email opening and clicks using standard techniques to help monitor & improve our stupidly infrequent newsletter. Seriously, I’ve sent 2 out in the past year – although I might get more frequent with it. You could also have a read about Campaign Monitor’s own privacy policy – although see my warning note about the Google policy, above. You can unsubscribe to general email at any time of the day or night by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of our emails. Or, if you can’t find one, email [email protected] and we’ll get you off the list ASAP.

Access to your personal information

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold. Email your request to our data protection officer (*shrugs* … that’ll be me) at [email protected], and we’ll dig up everything we have on you. It won’t take long.

Changes to this notice

This notice was first created on May 18th 2018, and was last updated on the 24th May, 2022. I will review this notice from time to time, I promise. It’s unlikely to change much, but if I start collecting or changing your data in a different way, the update will appear here.