What format do you need that image in? Image optimisation for your website
I have to get this off my chest. Personally, I blame Canva. Every bloody image I get for website projects these days is a PNG file. Is that all Canva can output? PNG files are not appropriate for photography. They are just not. Their file size is just huge. The only time a PNG file...

Is your website due for an MOT? (Yes. Yes it is.)
Did you know that for every half second of load time on your website, conversion rates drop by 4.45%? I mean … I didn’t know until I started googling for scary statistics. But there we are. What I do know is that after a website goes live, it is rare for a client to take...

Who owns your domain name? Domain name ownership … nothing but headaches!
In (nearly) twenty years of working with clients and their web projects I have seen my fair share of poor website and business decisions. But the one that is most guaranteed to bring tears, delays, headaches, and agita is the thorny subject of domain name ownership. (I know what you’re thinking: surely it’s websites where...

Hiring a web design agency does not have to be hard. Here’s how.
Hiring a web design agency can be a process fraught with risk and no little tension. Here’s how it normally goes: a company has decided internally that they need a new website. The reasons vary but might include ‘we need to better show off a new product offering’, ‘it just looks out of date’, ‘we...

Website Hosting
As a full service operation, we strive to simplify your online activities. One way in which we can help is by offering web hosting services for your project. That way, the most important parts of your online business are all under one roof. If you need something online, you can call us – no matter...

Web design and development
8 years of experience designing and developing websites. That’s what we can bring to your project – the expertise and experience needed to develop your business online. We’ll develop your site using the most appropriate techniques and technical practices – ensuring your site remains ‘future proof’ no matter what developments occur in browsing technologies (mobile...

Email Marketing
Integral to your sites performance is how you let people know about it’s existence! Sure, a good percentage of your visitors will find you using search engines – or even direct referrals. However, it pays to take a more direct approach sometimes. Our email marketing services integrate seamlessly with your website. We can handle signups,...

Whether you’re already trading online, or if you need a whole new web based shop, we can help you. We’ve developed custom shopping basket websites for a number of clients as well as integrated off the shelf packages that range from the free (Zen Cart, Magento Commerce) to the professional (Trading Eye, Interspire Shopping Cart)....

Content Management Systems
One way to ensure that visitors have a reason to come back to your website is to provide regularly updated content. The problem is, who’s going to do it and how? Well, we can help you with the second part. We build our sites around any one of a number of Content Management Systems –...

Search Engine Optimisation
Guess what: search engine optimisation is like everything else in the world … there’s no ‘trick’ to it, there’s no secret formula, no means of succeeding over night. If you want to do well you have to work at it. Today, next week, this year, and next. From the design of the site, to the...