How to give & receive design feedback
Getting feedback on a design from a client is an often difficult process. Nobody really enjoys it, and the expectations on both parties are rarely communicated effectively up front. I’m here to put that right today! (Never hurts to dream big … !). So, first, what are we talking about here … Every web design...

Creating e-books from existing web content
This. Is. Awesome. Readlist allows you to create ebooks from existing web content – and have that sent to your Kindle / iWhatever. That’s just going to fit so nicely in with my life that I’m nearly weeping at the thought of it. For example, I spend the morning surfing the internet researching an upcoming...

The Hold On Tight Shelf
Love this great book shelf … currently the favoured solution for our kitchen bookshelves that are causing our current gargoyle bookends an undue amount of stress. (more info. via)

Great to see so much responsive web design going on
It’s great to see more and more responsive web design going on … and this wonderful showcase highlights some of the best current work. This example from the University of California in San Diego is lovely – a good, strict responsive grid. It doesn’t try to do too much, but each screen resolution looks native...

Grid apps, bookmarks and coffee tables
There are many things that consistently vex me. Solutions for three of them presented themselves this rainy Tuesday morning – too good not to share. Bookmarks I don’t have a problem with bookmarks. (We’re talking about the physical book mark here – something you use to keep your place in a real, physical, book). My...

Round up of recent responsive web design articles
So, most of these links and articles are concerning Responsive Web Design – a particular focus of mine at the moment as my second large responsive project gets underway. The first was for a Fermanagh based hotel – the second for a new project from the people behind Donegal Cottage Holidays which is going to...

Everybody’s favourite Duluthian
Everybody’s favourite Duluthian now has an Etsy store. You can spend days looking through the lovingly made bits and pieces on Etsy … but you’d be hard pushed to find anything more joyful than this work by Marian Lansky (from Kenspeckle Letterpress fame).

Mobile web design considerations
Have just written a lengthy page on mobile web design considerations … I’ve got it as a page, rather than as a regular post because it will eventually feature more prominently on the site … but for now, that’s where it is. I’m gearing up for some changes here at TickTock – 2012 is going to...

Apple Store in Grand Central
For 3 extremely memorable years, I was lucky enough to walk through Grand Central Station, NYC twice a day, almost every day. To say it’s an inspiring building would be damning it with faint praise as well as stating the bleeding obvious. It’s one of my favourite buildings and so much of it is so...

Front end coding for a responsive web
So then, the time has come to start a client project from scratch using purely responsive techniques (as defined by Ethan Marcotte’s book Responsive Web Design). I’ve retro-fitted some responsive techniques to previous client sites, but this will be the first ‘responsive’ project I’m starting from scratch. The three core ‘ingredients’ for this responsive website...