Genuine Real People

Ever wondered if those ads you see on telly feature ‘real people’? You know the ones … a couple of talking heads discuss how much better their life is now that they’re using XYZ Product. I was sceptical myself … until I met Genuine Real People! A wonderful group of people doing wonderful things in...

All about the productivity …

Just a quick one … I’ve got stuff to do. But I’m all about the productivity at the moment and wanted to share this great anecdote from Jerry Seinfeld (via lifehacker). Software developer Brad Isaac got some great advice from Jerry Seinfeld:  … He told me to get a big wall calendar that has a whole...

Starting A Freelance Web Design Business

I had my second Freelance Switch article published a couple of weeks ago now (my next one is scheduled for some time in the next week or two) – this one focuses on some of the things I learnt in starting up as a freelance web designer.  9 steps in fact … I love the...

I Am Not A Web Designer – Freelance Switch article

I meant to post this here last week, but I recently had a guest blog post published over at Freelance Switch. We need to get away from defining ourselves as the core service we provide. Yes, some of what we do may well be web design, but if we can define ourselves in the terms...

Google feature Angela’s Bella Flora in their ‘Get Your Business Online’ series …

I’ve been meaning to post this for ages – but y’know … stuff kept happening.  I wrote a little while ago about the launch of the Angela’s Bella Flora website and at the time, they were being featured by Google in their ‘Get Minnesota Businesses Online‘ programme.  I don’t know too much about the programme...

An evolving work practice – HTML5, Modular CSS, using the LESS app

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I build websites – the process and the code base I use for each projects – both of which have recently undergone the sort of evolutionary leap more commonly found in X-men movies. It started with a need to familiarise myself with HTML5 at the beginning of...

Mobile web design considerations

Have just written a lengthy page on mobile web design considerations … I’ve got it as a page, rather than as a regular post because it will eventually feature more prominently on the site … but for now, that’s where it is.  I’m gearing up for some changes here at TickTock – 2012 is going to...

Let the designer design …

So, a lot has been written about Steve Jobs this past week or so, (and for what it’s worth, this Stephen Fry piece is my favourite), but the quote below is one that is resonating particularly strongly with me at the moment. You can’t just ask the customers what they want and then try to...

Online Marketing Training – resources from recent presentations

Right then – this post is primarily for those who attended my recent online marketing workshops which took place in Derry through September – but there’s plenty here for anyone interested in understanding more about how websites work – especially in relation to search engines and social media. So, I’ve broadly categorise the resources as...

Responsive Web Design – new from A Book Apart

I like to think that I buy books from A Book Apart because they’ll further my expertise and knowledge as a web designer.  But you and I both know that it’s because they look gorgeous – and I want the whole set on my shelf.  The latest is no exception … and it’s coming.