Not TickTockDesign Any More. Yikes.

This is David Horn Design. I’m David Horn. See what I’ve done there? But my company used to be called TickTockDesign. Different, but it’s the same thing. It’s just me, some trusted colleagues, a fresh installation of WordPress and some full-strength decaffeinated coffee.

So why the change? There are 2 main reasons which together meant that it started to make sense.

The first goes back a long way … calling the business TickTockDesign sounds like I’m a big(ger) business than I actually am. At various times over the past 14 years I’ve had permanent staff, some part time staff, and a roster of freelancers helping me out. But really, it’s just been me running the show. So, people weren’t really hiring ‘TickTockDesign’ they were hiring me, David Horn, knowing that I’d get the job done.

That’s still the case now, and I felt that David Horn Design was a better representation of the business. I still have a number of trusted colleagues who help me out with different parts of the business … the social media marketing, some of the specialist development, etc. but it’s still all run by me.

Secondly, I started using the ‘TickTock’ brand for another, non web design business because it seemed like a natural extension of what I was doing at the time. It’s an e-commerce business that I’m not really going to get into here, but there were then a few brands called things like TickTockABC and TIckTockXYZ … and that business has got to the point where it needs to live on it’s own. Annoyingly, it is much much harder to separate that side of the business away from the TickTock brand than it was to start a new business for the web design stuff.

Which leads me to here. TickTockDesign will eventually be a home for my eCommerce businesses … whilst David Horn Design will become the new home for the web design business.

Nothing else really changes … certainly the logo has stayed the same. And I still provide all the excellent web designy stuff that TIckTock used to. It’s just David Horn Design now, that’s all.

You can certainly give me a shout if you have any questions at all.